Random Chuck Norris Facts - Jokes

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Paradise City
Is a lot like what we are
Peace is what we are

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Questions Answered

We are in this utopia because we have no choice. We are on the planet Void Sector. The only city on this planet is a massive interconnecting city called Camp Void Sector. Camp Void Sector is run by an elected president. It all belongs to the people. The people that are going to do that are the people that want to or the people that have no other option. You sleep in your home and the people that are with you is up to you. You get food from the grocery store. and you get it by paying for it. people don't live here because the have no form of transportation from Earth. The first settlers' transportation is no longer in service and no knowledge on how to build a new one exists. until that day we will live on Void Sector.


All the people in the city of Camp Void Sector are different. We think that if people are mindless zombies, then what will take away the point of the city. If the people want to wear a bright pink tutus and red clown noses. The way we allow it is pretty simple. The only things that we kinda don't like is people being evil, such as stealing, killing, raping, and etc. The other forms of individuality are highly encouraged such as different thought patterns dress and etc. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daily Life and Economy

Life in our utopia is complex, but our citizens like it that way. We have a monetary barter economy. If you don't have the money you may barter to get what you want. They already have their homes. They can go and do many things. Like we have stated , the people can have their own enterprise. If they don't, then the are given a certain amount of the money from the taxes that they are given to spend for food and other necessities. The children have school from eight o clock to twelve o clock. School is mandatory for children 6 to the age of 17. They can go off to college if they please. The rest of the day( after homework is complete) they can play in the fields of joy, swim in the bottomless sea or just relax. Their jobs have their own risks due to the fact that they choose them. The city is never in turmoil, even if we are attacked by the Shataria a race of evil aliens,( we are on an another planet). The citizens remain calm and let the Guard defend them. The city is so safe that they are always in safety.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The geography

The utopia we have made is quite unique. We start out on the land, but end up in the water. The city is divided due to this. The climate here is very well variant. The land portion is quite warm, but the winters can get cold but not often. The underwater portion of the city always has a ocean view, and a warm water climate. We get our energy mainly two ways. We use solar energy and geothermal energy. Our backup transformers run on the turbines we have. We get protected by the special city domes we have. If any bad weather comes our way, we merely encase ourselves in the highest rated earthquake technology. Te architecture comes in a variety of forms. We have the very elegant swooshing buildings to the very basic government supplied homes.

Elements of organzation

In our utopia the family organization and what not, like explained in the laws is simple. The families can be as large as they want them to be. They well really wont have to worry about poverty, and such because of the government. The people will be able to tell the government if some thing is wrong and how to fix it. They will not be based by wealth nor race. This may sound like communism, but like I will say, they can choose the place they live, choose what their enterprise is and such. The people do have the option to rent, buy, or live in the government supplied houses. The government cannot and will not make the people do anything on this matter. - () ()
\__/ :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What our government is and looks like.

  1. Our government is run by an elected president.
  2. The president is elected by the people.
  3. There is also a group of additional leaders who are the advisers for the president and can if needed overpower him/her.
  4. The Branches of government are the advisers, the president, and the people, who have a voice in government.
  5. The Laws are quite simple. The first is do NOT fight or you will be put under arrest.
  6. The people can defend themselves if they are attacked by invading persons or animals.
  7. The only weapons allowed are close quarter guns for citizens and for the GUARD
    (law enforcement) they have an array of weaponry.
  8. The people can have children, but cannot leave them.
  9. If a parent dies, the children will go to the closest relative.
  10. The people have the right to free franchise.
  11. You have freedom of speech, press, religion, etc.
  12. The people need to conform with these rules, if they don't they will be given a warning, then a punishment, the third is choice of 20 years of prison, or banishment.