Random Chuck Norris Facts - Jokes

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What our government is and looks like.

  1. Our government is run by an elected president.
  2. The president is elected by the people.
  3. There is also a group of additional leaders who are the advisers for the president and can if needed overpower him/her.
  4. The Branches of government are the advisers, the president, and the people, who have a voice in government.
  5. The Laws are quite simple. The first is do NOT fight or you will be put under arrest.
  6. The people can defend themselves if they are attacked by invading persons or animals.
  7. The only weapons allowed are close quarter guns for citizens and for the GUARD
    (law enforcement) they have an array of weaponry.
  8. The people can have children, but cannot leave them.
  9. If a parent dies, the children will go to the closest relative.
  10. The people have the right to free franchise.
  11. You have freedom of speech, press, religion, etc.
  12. The people need to conform with these rules, if they don't they will be given a warning, then a punishment, the third is choice of 20 years of prison, or banishment.

1 comment:

  1. Great layout!! love the picture! get busy on your posts though!
