Random Chuck Norris Facts - Jokes

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daily Life and Economy

Life in our utopia is complex, but our citizens like it that way. We have a monetary barter economy. If you don't have the money you may barter to get what you want. They already have their homes. They can go and do many things. Like we have stated , the people can have their own enterprise. If they don't, then the are given a certain amount of the money from the taxes that they are given to spend for food and other necessities. The children have school from eight o clock to twelve o clock. School is mandatory for children 6 to the age of 17. They can go off to college if they please. The rest of the day( after homework is complete) they can play in the fields of joy, swim in the bottomless sea or just relax. Their jobs have their own risks due to the fact that they choose them. The city is never in turmoil, even if we are attacked by the Shataria a race of evil aliens,( we are on an another planet). The citizens remain calm and let the Guard defend them. The city is so safe that they are always in safety.

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